Exhibit A.
The world is awesome. And random. And strange. A couple years ago, I saw this red grocery cart resting upside down in a large bush. So I snapped a picture to remember the randomness/awesomeness by.

Exhibit B: one night I came home from an awkward date (as most dates with me are wont to be) and found that two of my friends had left a trail of funny notes throughout my apartment, finally leading up to my bed, where I found this:

King Peter kicks Prince Philip's butt.
Translation: Moral of the Story. Never leave Katie and Cassie alone with nothing to do on a Friday night.
Unexpected + somewhat ridiculous = awesome!
For more awesome things, follow the 1000 Awesome Things blog.
1 comment:
I am using LIFE 3 on Prince Phillip to exact his revenge on King Peter.
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